Business Data Online is an internet solutions company focusing on the needs of UK businesses. We are based in Cambridge, one of the fastest growing innovation centres in the UK. Our policy is to develop and promote internet-based solutions that significantly advance or enhance the use of the internet by businesses.
We are independent of any major computer or software manufacturer or supplier, and are free to use the best and most appropriate of the available technologies to meet the needs of our customers.
Main Office:
Business Data Online Limited
19 Pease Way
Histon, Cambridge
Cambs CB24 9YZ
United Kingdom
Properly exploited, the internet offers an excellent opportunity to develop ways of working that will be more environmentally friendly than those of the past.
Internet based management solutions can help companies to develop new ways of working that will save valuable natural resources. Our business management systems will help you to minimise your business travelling, enable you to easily share information with clients and colleagues and reduce your company's reliance on paper records.
There's more to a project than just development and delivery, whether it's in PR, IT, web design or any of the other areas we cover.
At BDOL we believe in quality, commitment and transparency. We do our best to ensure that we understand what our customers want, but we don't stop there. We also offer friendly and professional advice so that what we deliver will really match your requirements.